You Are the Sky
The Phrase, “You are the sky “, is part of a Pema Chodron Quote.
Pema Chödrön is an ordained American Tibetan Buddhist nun who has written several dozen books and is the principal teacher at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia, Canada.
The full quote is:
“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”
This quote fits well into the intent of my sky paintings.
I am painting the weather, the change in the sky.
Yet within that change is a constant. For how many years have people, our grandmothers, and greats lived under the sky?
Beneath the Sky is also available.
Moreover, You Are the Sky, is also the name of a poem Patrick wrote for my booklet, Beneath the Sky. We made the book in conjunction with a project I did last year.
I started with a Crowdfunding Event in order to raise money. I wanted to host a show and fundraiser at CSpace. My partner was The Rowan House. They offer emergency shelter and services to women in fleeing from domestic violence. In addition to the book, I made prints and art bags. Most of those art bags are sold out. However, I do have prints available. It was a rewarding experience and I was able to write a cheque for Rowan House. Together we were able to do a little bit of good while living under these skies.
This is how the show looked hung up in the halls of CSpace.
I wanted to share my paintings and Pat’s poetry on this blog.
We Will Rise Again 48 x 36 inches I have prints of this painting!
You learned to paint fast.
You needed to chase
the skeins of cloud
that sighed and sprawled
over the plains.
Introspection 48 x 36 inches
You watched the skies,
wrung colour from white,
picked out purple,
vermillion, ochre,
and the shadow grey of water
that floated in the veils and haze
arching over the cowgirl
painting the blues.
Time to Take Shelter 46 x 36Inches
Whether evanescent mist,
growling thunderheads,
or cantering horsetails,
you built them up in layers,
in bold strokes,
the paint thick.
Under My Skies. 48 x 36 inches I have prints of this Painting as well.
This is how you like to paint.
Promises 48 x 36 inches
Late sleet bristles
prairie sun blisters
your face
is up
is sky
is light
that waves and rushes
beyond the grasp
of even your favourite tree
whose strong spring branches
swell red-black
and bud with this year’s promises.
Under Canadian Skies 48 x 36 inches
You are the sky,
your green eyes
hemmed with years
of coulees and creeks
and old prairie towns
with the most optimistic names,
tousled and dusty
with the endless secrets of the wind.
The Original is SOLD Illumination, but I have prints of this painting. The larger prints are on order and should be here soon.
You shiver and paint.
Pink Sky Syndrome. I have prints of this painting also.
You sway
in a chinook arch
that grapples
with an arctic front.
Heat and cold ripple
and an eagle hangs
as if strung from a cloud,
its wingtips flapping.
A birch shakes its head
and rakes its thin branches
against the grey and blue
on your brush.
You Are the Sky 48 x 36 inches
Greens are often
a difficult colour to control.
The sky drapes over
ruffles of sage,
heavy swathes of spruce,
thickets of wolf willow,
and high cottonwoods
whose round leaves
rattle an admiring applause
to the nimble heavens.
Hints and secrets
are tossed into the air:
how to capture the sky,
how to render the stretch,
the fish-eyed views,
the mountain hummed horizon,
the clouds that zenith
over foothills
anchored by low flights
of magpie and jay.
Promises Over Portugal 48 x 36 inches
How long will it take
for the wind
to concede its mysteries?
How much time
will it take to work out
where the shadows go,
where the colours disappear?
How many times
must you go to the canvas?
Over Horley 48 x 36 inches
Enough for a lifetime of painting.
Most of these paintings are available. All of them are 4 by 3 feet in size. Please contact me if you are interested in them.
Also you can purchase prints and booklets directly by clicking here.